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An immersive, locative, game-based experience at the intersection of movement arts, visual arts, pose detection, creative coding, pedagogy, and community engagement. AI X Performing art project funded by British Council.

Developed in collaboration with artists and creative technologists from UK, Germany, and Switzerland during the BeFantastic Within Fellowship. A game where an AI responds to movement improvisations of the player to control the environment. Experiment aimed at game-based learning which conveys widely-applicable concepts of physics and dance through movement explorations.

This project aims to make artistic and scientific processes accessible and engaging across communities while expressing urgent social narratives. Through somatic and movement arts explorations, players can discover how powerful individual and collective embodied experiences can be for learning playfully while still being transformative; they co-create “emergent” tangible art-pieces that expresses these collective embodied experiences.

Initially, the project was commissioned by the British Council for showcase at Future Fantastic Tech-Art Festival in India (March 2023) and developed through the BeFantastic Within Fellowship supported by BeFantastic and Future Everything. The work-in-progress prototype was showcased at HOME (Manchester) in February 2023 during a panel discussion with artists invited from India and UK.

Accompanied by visuals, text, and sound inspired from real world data, the experience is designed to convey non-intuitive concepts underlying climate science, the urgency and reality of climate change, and the role of the individual and that of the collective in it. 

The prototype was developed in collaboration with a team of visual artists, creative technologists, and movement artists across India and UK after rigorous research of process, narrative, user experience, and technology for a year during the fellowship.

Read a blog about the process: Only A Game (?): The Inception - Future Everything



Visual Arts and Project Lead UK artist: Tiz Creel

Creative Technologist: Hasan Shah Rukh

Supporting Artist: Tanya Saxena

Sound Artist: David McFarlane

Project Lead India Artist: Pritha K.

Mentors: Jake Elwes, Madhu Nataraj, Nicole Selier, Cyber Rauber


Winning Commission Grant at the BeFantastic Within Fellowship by

BeFantastic, Future Everything, British Council

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